Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Training our brains to guide our brush is the result of "practice."

     To motivate myself to practice, I print my subject on 65# (lightweight) card stock and cut templates out and draw around them to save time trying to draw them.

    I printed a goose on purple card stock before I realized I had white card stock on hand.

Your subject can be inserted into Word and resized.

Here are my practice geese..
These were so much fun.

Making Green

A Story First: How I Made this Demo for my WC Students
I set a piano bench on my kitchen table, arranged my Ipad on the seat overlooking the white dish below, then I added two light sources, started the camera, and sat down to demonstrate by working through the legs of the piano bench!
At first this was just for fun, but then I thought, "Why waste good instruction?".

 Click on URL

Click on this link:

Thanks for watching!