Saturday, December 5, 2020

Polly Wolly Doodle All the Day!


As I was doodling, I suddenly began to sing a song 
from my childhood.

"Oh, I went down south for to see my Sal
Singing Polly Wolly Doodle all the day.
Oh my Sal she am a spunky gal
Singing Polly Wolly Doodle all the day!"

My research said the composer is unknown
but the year was 1880 when it was in  
the song book Harvard “Student’s Songs."

I sang it in our Brownie Scout meetings
in the '50s.  Now I doodle all the day!

Sunday, November 8, 2020

What are the Benefits of Doodling?

 Dear Painting Friends!

Just a quick note to show what I've been doing lately to stay connected with my paints. These days are wild with TV news, and it's difficult to concentrate on anything. 

Doodling is a painting style you might see on YouTube.

Click the link word, "Doodling," below and hear a very fast "hello".


Gayla     Click Doodling

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Practice Leaves


    I notice that when I add leaves to my paintings they don't look as convincing as the flowers they support.

     I am convinced it's because we don't know what leaves look like.

     Consider geranium  leaves. All leaves are not solid green. Maybe it is over -watered and yellow in places, or is too dry and has some red or crispy spots.

With plants bursting all around us, gather some up and teach your brain with memories of leaves. (1) Make leaf rubbings with pencil and tracing paper. Then (2) with the rubbing face-down, use a ballpoint to trace the leaf into a journal or on watercolor paper, and (3) paint what you see.

In this picture, I have geranium, vinca, and boxwood leaves. I am amazed to see that the dried boxwood leaves "shimmer like gold."  Lovely!

Try it and let us all know what you think about the experience.

To your right, leave an email to keep in touch.

My journal happens to be Stillman & Birn the Zeta Series Mixed Media/soft cover

Friday, March 6, 2020

Vintage Fashion Lady-1


>^. .^<

The other day the question came to mind, "Will we become better painters by doing just one painting?  The answer is "yes."   After every "do," we will see and sense a noticeable improvement.

    As I was looking for inspiration to refresh my own skills, I found fashion paintings on the internet, which brings back memories of vintage sewing patterns with pretty, painted models on the packages.

     In this painting, I learned that putting facial features on a small painting is nearly impossible.  This painting is a 5X7. Next time it will be an 8X10.  Paint and learn!

I can see a series here. The next dress will be purple.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Here's My Kitty Art

     Here is my kitty drawn with straight marks and white jell pen on black paper.

     If  I could interest a cat person to buy it, I'd have to price it especially for the 2 mats, the back board, and clear bag.

    There are two pre-cut mats: a 5x7 little black photo mat (Joann's) and a standard 8x10 mat with the 5x7 opening,and  a  8x10 back board. (

                        Truly, this is an EASY project!

                                    >^. . ^< 
   To the right is the label I designed to stick on the back board and sometimes the back of the painting, as well.

I would not put a price on the label as that is likely to change.

 A small sticky pricing label can be put on the outside of the clear bag.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Training our brains to guide our brush is the result of "practice."

     To motivate myself to practice, I print my subject on 65# (lightweight) card stock and cut templates out and draw around them to save time trying to draw them.

    I printed a goose on purple card stock before I realized I had white card stock on hand.

Your subject can be inserted into Word and resized.

Here are my practice geese..
These were so much fun.

Making Green

A Story First: How I Made this Demo for my WC Students
I set a piano bench on my kitchen table, arranged my Ipad on the seat overlooking the white dish below, then I added two light sources, started the camera, and sat down to demonstrate by working through the legs of the piano bench!
At first this was just for fun, but then I thought, "Why waste good instruction?".

 Click on URL

Click on this link:

Thanks for watching!